Category: Wildlife

Creating a Wildlife Habitat in Your Backyard

Creating a Wildlife Habitat in Your Backyard

When I first heard about the concept of establishing a backyard wildlife habitat, I thought, “Yeah, right. Nice for the folks who live down the in areas where trees and woodlands are an integral part of the landscape, but not for those of us living in more urban settings.” Sure, there are pockets of wildlife-friendly […]

Arlington Bat Festival & Save Lucy the Bat Campaign

Arlington Bat Festival & Save Lucy the Bat Campaign

Last month I recommended the Annual Bat Festival at Gulf Branch Nature Center in Arlington, Virginia as an event to attend. I had never attended the festival before (I simply was unaware of it) and had planned to attend for the first time this year. Unfortunately, my husband and oldest kid were out of town […]

Monarch Butterfly Watch and Tagging

Monarch Butterfly Watch and Tagging

The number of butterflies visiting my neighbor’s butterfly bush, which extends into our front yard, has been increasing steadily over the past couple of weeks. Especially the number of monarchs, which is particularly exciting. Somewhere along the way, I learned about the great migration of the monarchs, but I didn’t have a full appreciation of […]
