Author Archive for Carolyn

In the Kitchen: Pitch the Paper, Part 2

In the Kitchen: Pitch the Paper, Part 2

I have a confession to make… In my last post, In the Kitchen: Pitch the Paper, there was an obvious and intentional omission. In my plea to pitch paper napkins, missing was a corresponding plea to pitch the paper towels. The truth is that we’ve been struggling with this one. And since this blog is […]

In the Kitchen: Pitch the Paper

In the Kitchen: Pitch the Paper

When our family first began to make concerted efforts to reduce our waste, one of the first things we did was to pitch the paper … napkins, that is.

Organic Garden at the White House, Part 2

Organic Garden at the White House, Part 2

In follow up to my last post on the subject of an organic garden at the White House, I read with great anticipation the follow-up article in the Washington Post home section, which I hoped would describe some of the logistical and other issues that would present the greatest challenges. While the article provided lots […]

Organic Garden at the White House?

Organic Garden at the White House?

I don’t usually read the food section of the Washington Post (I’m food challenged), but an interesting article caught my eye this morning. It’s about the effort to bring gardening back to the White House grounds (even more specifically, organic gardening this time around).

Disposing of Expired or Unwanted Medications

Disposing of Expired or Unwanted Medications

As I rifled through a kitchen cabinet today looking for something or other, I suddenly became inspired to purge a few things that were taking up space. Among them, numerous bottles and packets of pills, vitamins, cold and other medicines that were expired or no longer needed. As I began to collect them for disposal, […]

Disposing of the Old

Disposing of the Old

As we celebrating the holidays, many will have new tech toys to enjoy. And, as we upgrade our tech tools,  it’s important to be conscious of how we dispose of the old ones. The Kojo Nnamdi Show on NPR yesterday, Recycling Electronics, focused on exactly this issue. Panelists representing agencies in DC, Maryland and Virginia […]

To the Curb -- The Kids Have It!

To the Curb — The Kids Have It!

How do you involve your kids your efforts to reduce, reuse, and recycle?

Say No To Happy Meals

Say No To Happy Meals

In our never-ending quest to have a more positive planetary impact, I’m constantly looking for ways to reduce waste, especially on the front end, before stuff even comes into our home. And, often, it isn’t until after the stuff has come in that it shows up on our radar. Cheap plastic toys and games from fast food restaurants are a prime example.

It's in the Bag!

It’s in the Bag!

… According to the Green Book, “U.S. Households dispose of nearly one hundred billion plastic bags annually, millions of which end up littering the environment and harming endangered marine animals. By reducing plastic consumption by just two bags per week, you’ll throw away at least one hundred fewer bags per year. If tied together handle to handle, these plastic bags would make a rope long enough to wrap around the earth more than 126 times.”

So, what can you do?

Re-Charge It, Please!

Re-Charge It, Please!

We all use batteries in our homes and offices to power everything from flashlights and smoke detectors to remote controls and children’s toys. And, while most people know that batteries should be disposed of differently than regular trash, many don’t take the extra steps to do so. This means that oodles of discarded batteries end […]

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