Tag: "Environment"

8 Great Ways to Green Your Thanksgiving

8 Great Ways to Green Your Thanksgiving

8 Great Ways to Green Your Thanksgiving Being green is about more than being eco-friendly; it’s about being a good citizen of the earth in ways that go far beyond the environment. When I think about being green, eco-friendly or earth-minded, I don’t just think about being kind to the environment. Sure, I think about […]

Larvae adjusting as we move his wood home to a new pile

Connecting with Nature: Work Becomes Play

I recently participated in a family work day at my son’s pre-school. The event provides an opportunity for parents to enhance and improve the school environment and get to know other families in the process. While I love the spirit of the event, I was not looking forward to participating on this particular day. Each […]

Great Green Escape: Theodore Roosevelt Island

Great Green Escape: Theodore Roosevelt Island

A version of this story originally appeared in my Green and Simple column on the Old Town Alexandria Patch. If you travel along the George WashingtonParkway north of town, you will have noticed the massive lush patch of greenery in the middle of the Potomac River that is Theodore Roosevelt Island — another nearby great green escape. Two and […]

The Story of Stuff

The Story of Stuff

The Story of Stuff is a 20-minute video that explores all the stuff that we’ve accumulated — where it comes from, how it’s produced, and where it goes when we dispose of it. I was first introduced to this video earlier this year and shared it with friends, family and colleagues during Earth Day celebrations, […]
