Recycled Clothes

Today I engaged in one of my favorite fall (and spring) rituals… As much as I love nature and the great outdoors, this one’s an indoor gig. It was my bi-annual trek to the first of my favorite consignment sales.

With three kids, ages six and under, clothing and other childhood gear can tally up pretty quickly. But, it’s not just about the dollars and cents. I mean, we all know how quickly kids grow. And, we’ve seen first hand how a perfectly good outfit can become something less than that in just a matter of minutes… food drippings, splotches of paint, glue or other sticky substances, and then there are the good old rips and tears.

I like consignment sales not only because they make sense financially, because purchasing goods at consignment sales, thrift shops and other second-hand outlets is that it’s a form of reducing, reusing and recycling. And, depending on what sales you shop, you can find some high-end gear and clothing a reasonable prices. And, because the high-end gear tends to hold up really well, you might be able to consign such goods yourself when they’ve run their course through your family.

While consignment sale season kicks off after the start of school in these parts, for me it’s worth the wait … for dollars and sense! For a great listing of local sales, check out the compilation at Our Kids for sales around the DC metro area.

Filed Under: ConsignmentReduce-Reuse-RecycleShopping

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