A Twist on Story Time: By the Light of the Moon
Connecting with nature does not need to involve a grand plan, a field trip, or even leaving your own backyard. With the warmer than usual temperatures we have been enjoying, we decided to put a spin on story time.
After dinner and bedtime prep, I asked one of the kids to help put the trimmings from the shrubs into the newly minted compost bins that they created with the help of their GrandDude. As the sun began to set on the balmy evening and sleepiness approached, I asked one of the kids to select a book and meet me back outside so that we could enjoy story time under the almost full moon. It was just too nice to head back inside without an extra dose of nature before bed.
While Mo Jo grabbed a book of poetry, Peebah and I wheel-barrel raced against partner-less Loosh, who scrambled across the front lawn to a speedy finish. Unfortunately, Loosh melted down before we got to the story, but the girls and I enjoyed reading and listening to poetry as we sat planted in the grass.
We are hoping we can enjoy many more story nights under the moon before the mosquitos set in.
Thanks for reading!
What are you favorite stories to read under the stars? Tell us about them in the comments.
Filed Under: Children and Nature • Eco-Activities • Environment • Family Fun • Nature