Do you Freecycle?

Do you Freecycle? I’d first heard of Freecycling (the free exchange of mostly used, but still-usable goods within local communities in an effort to keep stuff out of landfills) a couple of years ago. Since we live in a small townhouse with limited space and had what we needed for the kids, I didn’t want to be tempted to acquire things we really didn’t need or have space for, so I kept my distance. Last year I finally joined a local Freecycle group and was really impressed with the volume of goods exchanging hands. I felt comfort in knowing that those gadgets, old equipment and odds and ends that were no longer useful to their owners would find a home. But, while I enjoyed pursuing the lists, I couldn’t keep up with the volume of digests I received on a daily basis, so I eventually unsubscribed.

Today, I found a new way to participate in measured dose. We attended a Freecycle event held by a local moms group.  I was thrilled to have a place to bring that box of wine glasses that were taking up space in our cabinets, those diaper genie refills from two generations ago and a bunch of old VHS movies and exercise videos, among other things.

I was geared up to pass along a load of goods and find a few things for the kids. I also wanted them to see first hand how things we no longer need can serve others and vice versa. And, while we didn’t have much luck in the kid’s corner, most likely due to our late arrival, I did snag a few goodies for myself. Most thrilling was a comment from another mom who said she was following me as I added our goods to the mix because she could use several of the things that we’d brought – including the diaper genie refills from two generations ago.

So, what can you do:

  • Visit the Freecycle web site to learn this grassroots effort
  • Join a local freecycle group (through the web site) and be a part of the exchange
  • Attend a freecycle event (and if you can’t fnd one near you, host one yourself!)

Do you Freeycle? What’s been your best find?

Filed Under: ConsumerismFamily FunShopping

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