Organic Garden at the White House, Part 2
In follow up to my last post on the subject of an organic garden at the White House, I read with great anticipation the follow-up article in the Washington Post home section, which I hoped would describe some of the logistical and other issues that would present the greatest challenges. While the article provided lots of historical references on how past presidential families have used the White House grounds, I was really hoping for a clearer picture of the possibilities and what it would take to bring them to reality.
But, the article did contain some useful resources, in particular, a link to Eat the View, a campaign to ‘urge the Obamas to replant a large organic Victory Garden on the First Lawn with the produce going to the White House kitchen and to local food pantries.’ The site suggests some specific actions that individuals can take take, including signing a petition to support the effort and voting for the cause on the On Day One web site, to name a couple.
Getting even a little involved in this effort has me thinking a little more seriously about giving an edible garden another shot this spring.
So, what can you do?
- Visit Eat the View and learn more about the effort and what you can do to support it.
- Consider how you can participate in the movement. If you don’t have the space for a garden, consider a plot in a community garden. Check with your city or county parks and recreation office to see what your options are. Consider buying goods through a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program, at farmer’s markets, or from a green grocer.
- Talk it up in your communities and spread the word!
Filed Under: Consumerism • Eco-Activities • Environment • Family Fun • Gardening