The Story of Stuff
The Story of Stuff is a 20-minute video that explores all the stuff that we’ve accumulated — where it comes from, how it’s produced, and where it goes when we dispose of it.
I was first introduced to this video earlier this year and shared it with friends, family and colleagues during Earth Day celebrations, when it first came across my path. I learned so much about all of the stuff that happens prior to purchase and after that it’s definitely had an impacted my family’s consumer patterns and we dispose of our stuff.
Please invest 20 minutes of your time to view the video and learn how production and consumer patterns impact our society and environment, both locally and abroad.
The web site also offers tools and resources for those that want to get involved on a larger scale. At the very least, spread the word by sharing this post with others and visiting the Story of Stuff web site to learn more.
How has the green movement impacted your purchasing patterns?
Filed Under: Consumerism • Eco-Active Resources • Environment • Shopping